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Chris Giles

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Chris Giles

Chris Giles, the Chief Member Experience Officer, oversees our branches, payments, and digital services. He began his career at Maps in 2004 and joined the organization full-time in 2005.  Initially serving as General Manager of the Maps subsidiary company CU Wireless (CUW), Giles was named CEO of CUW in 2015.  In 2017, he was chosen to head up the newly created Strategic Payments function at Maps.  In addition to Payments, Giles leads a cross-functional team tasked with creating best-in-class digital tools for our membership.  

Chris speaks at credit union industry events across the U.S. including annual meetings of the California, Nevada, Oregon, and Connecticut Credit Union Leagues, National Association of Credit Union Service Organizations (NACUSO), the Marketing Association of Credit Unions (MAC), and AXFI.  He has spoken on a variety of topics including: emerging payments trends, data analytics, product innovation and Customer Experience Management.

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