Scam Alerts
SCAM ALERT: 3-14-2025
CAUTION: Members have reported receiving this recent scam.
Fraudsters are currently asking for member debit card numbers and texted
codes to set up Samsung/Apple Pay and/or access online banking.
Maps employees or our Fraud Dept will NEVER contact you to ask for security codes that are texted to you, your user IDs or password. If you get a call or text claiming to be from Maps, asking for any of this information, stop communicating!
Send us a live chat or call us directly to report it immediately!
We will NEVER ask for your card numbers, online banking credentials, or verification codes.
If someone asks for your information or sends a message that something is wrong with your account, do not respond or click on links. Contact Maps directly at 503-588-0181.
Learn more
If you have any questions or concerns, about any communications please call or text us at 503.588.0181.