Maps Community Awards
Through our Maps Community Awards, we honor those community members who are going above and beyond to “Make a Difference” in the Mid-Willamette Valley.
2023 Award Winners

Oni Marchbanks
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Oni inspires me because of how much she gives to and loves everyone around her. She runs the nonprofit Equity Splash—providing meals and supplies to the unsheltered, Saturday school for BIPOC youth, and many other events and services. Oni teaches, encourages, and inspires everyone she comes in contact with including me, and she has truly been a blessing in my life.
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Rosetta Wangerin
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Rosetta has the energy, love, and skill set to truly make a difference in the North Marion County community. In 2022, when leadership changed, Rosetta stepped in as a volunteer to run Love, Inc. Under her leadership, Love Inc. has expanded the Utility Assistance Program to serve two additional cities and opened an infant and household goods closet. I have never seen a person in a volunteer position do so much good for a such a wide service area in such a relatively short period of time.
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Abby Johnston-Fitts
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Abby served in the United States Navy for over 10 years and now runs her own law firm. In her practice, she consistently provides free services, especially to veterans and survivors of domestic violence in Polk County. Abby is also a board member for the Monmouth-Independence Community Foundation, Oregon Ag Fest, and the Central Panther Club, volunteers as a CASA, and more. She works tirelessly to give back to the community where she grew up and never expects anything in return. She proves that anyone can make a difference in their community—you do not need a particular job or position.
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Kathleen (Kat) Lee
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Kat serves as the Day Center Coordinator at HOAP. When guests come in, she welcomes each person with grace, compassion, and empathy to make them feel human. While I was homeless, I was in active addiction and would utilize HOAP frequently. Through all this Kat never judged or treated me differently. I am not homeless anymore and now do case management for the unsheltered population and I credit that to God and Kat. I believe she should be recognized for how many lives she has touched and changed.
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Patty Nevue
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As the head of Ella Curran Food Bank, Patty gives countless hours to make sure local families and individuals have the food and resources they need to live and thrive. Patty is a quiet, humble leader whose steadfastness and belief in the mission of the food bank and community is accomplishing amazing things. Patty never wants the spotlight to be on her—she’d rather be working behind the scenes, cheering others on from a distance and celebrating their accomplishments. Patty deserves recognition for her selflessness and optimism and to know that all of her important contributions have led to lasting impact.
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Micky Wagner
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Wagner is a dedicated member of the community support team which helps first responders on scene. She has organized Easter egg hunts for disadvantaged youth, arranged Christmas and Halloween events, implemented a bike rodeo, and eradicated graffiti in Gervais. Wagner leads the community watch and is always the first to offer help to anyone in need.
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Antonio Dias
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Antonio attends a citizenship preparation class and volunteers to translate for adult students who can’t understand the instructor in English. He won the 50-50 raffle at a recent MVLC Spotlight on Literacy Event and donated over $550 back to the center to scholarship other students. Antonio’s willingness to help others is an inspiration to me personally and to others in the community. He always goes above and beyond the required and motivates others to do their best.
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Melissa Buis
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As Director of the Restorative Justice Initiative, Melissa has spent many years advocating for better experiences and outcomes for those that are/have been incarcerated. She is a person who truly listens and helps strengthen those who often are not heard or do not have the power to be heard on their own. Melissa inspires me because she started as a voice for those that had their voices taken away and then stayed long enough to see some regain their voice and supported them as they find their own strength and redirection toward success.
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Mariah Sede
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Since her time as Executive Director of Grace House, Mariah has implemented a bilingual case management program to reach Spanish speaking homeless women and raised enough money to break ground to expand and double the number of women served annually—helping house over 50 women in Salem. Mariah shows compassion, grace, and intentionality in everything she does. She is so passionate about empowering women from all walks of life to achieve goals they never thought they could achieve.
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Kim Dwyer
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Kim serves as the Santiam Service Integration Coordinator, facilitating 4 teams; Scio, Santiam Canyon, North Santiam, and Cascade. She has increased community outreach and tripled the number of requests. She is constantly volunteering for events and serves on the Parent Teacher Committee of North Santiam School District, the homeless task force for the City of Stayton and with the Santiam Canyon Long Term Recovery group. Kim inspires me through her dedication and service to the Santiam Region. I am inspired by her kindness and her willingness to give of her time to better the lives of our community.
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James Byrkit – Maps Member
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Dr. James Brykit spends countless hours serving our community by volunteering as the Medical Director at the Salem Free Clinic. Jim is always giving. He doesn’t just give to the local community but has traveled to other countries to provide free medical care. Dr. Byrkit is humble, hardworking, and looking always to serve others. He is a great example to our community!
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Raul Marquez Guerrero – Maps Member
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Raul went to McKay and from his time there he has impacted communities since a very young age, volunteering for organizations like Causa and PCUN. In 2018, he secured funds to form Taylor’s House, a home in Salem for unsheltered youth. In his years at Willamette University, he continued to make an impact through Alianza an on-campus organization which centers on Latinx culture and providing scholarships. Raul is currently a real estate agent—educating and providing services to underrepresented communities. Time and time again he puts his best effort toward impacting our Salem-Keizer communities in positive ways!
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Carlee Wright – Maps Member
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Carlee is a self-described “community instigator.” A former journalist, she’s the publisher of Press Play Salem, which has come to be a reliable source of good information on accessible arts and culture events. When Carlee isn’t publishing Press Play, she’s out in the community organizing TEDx Salem, the Moxie Initiative, Make Music Salem, co-founded Cherry City Roller Derby, serves on boards and is a PR consultant. Carlee is one of Salem’s biggest boosters. She is a tireless ambassador for arts, culture, and creativity across Salem.
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Emily Jaskoski – Maps Member
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Emily works as a SANE nurse, helping her patients work through traumatic experiences they have encountered in their life. Emily loves her work because she gets to be the first to show them there are kind and loving people out there and gets to listen, love, and help them tell their story for the first time to someone who only wants what is best for them. She also leads a girl scout troop and is always coming up with new ideas to get the girls in the troop involved with the community. Emily is joyful, she is humble, and she’s fun to be around.
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Greg Locke – Maps Member
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As a local engineer and business owner, Greg has donated countless hours to non-profits by creating plans and working with organizations such as Dallas High School, Camp Tapawingo, Salt Creek Baptist Church and others. Growing up I have seen the hours my Dad spent at home in the evenings or on the weekends getting these projects done for groups who do not pay him a cent. For decades he has balanced the demands of owning a business and the hard work it takes to sustain such an endeavor alongside the responsibilities of his family. Greg is a no-brainer for me when I consider Maps community members who make a difference.
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Elinor Maroney – Maps Member
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As a 91-year-old ceramics artist, Elinor offers her expertise to others and her skills to local organizations, particularly the Monmouth Senior and Community Center. She serves on the Advisory Board for the Senior Center, preparing the newsletter and assisting with the Monmouth-Independence Age-Friendly Community forum. Elinor is an inspiration not only to us, but to many others in the community. In Elinor, we have a generative and caring older adult who is making a difference and showing all of us how to age with grace, curiosity, sensitivity, and engagement.
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Shawn Gutierrez – Maps Member
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After spending 20 years in the Army, Shawn saw and felt the lack of mental health services and support for veterans and wanted to give back. He completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at local universities in record time and is now a clinical mental health counselor. He works with VETcare, a support facility for veterans experiencing homelessness in Salem. His commitment to improving a system that is hard to navigate and has failed many veterans is awe-inspiring.
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Application details
We are not currently accepting 2024 applications at this time, but we look forward to reading your stories soon. Congratulations to all our 2023 winners!
2022 Award Winners

AnneMarie DuFault
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AnneMarie has been making a difference in our community for many years, serving on countless different boards and community projects. Currently, she serves as the President of Saxon Youth Football, which she built from the ground up. Through the pandemic she never gave up on these kids. She worked even harder to make sure that not only did they have an outlet to the sport that they loved, but also that they had what they needed to survive. Youth Football is only a small fraction of what she does. Her passion for our community is a true inspiration. AnneMarie is proof that one person can make a difference and makes me keep the faith that what I can do matters.
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Chad Ludwig
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Chad founded Bridges Oregon in 2017 as the first and only culturally specific and responsive nonprofit organization in Oregon to provide advocacy and accompaniment services to individuals who are Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing in their heritage languages. For many years, Oregon stood as the only state of the 12 western states with no direct-support services available to these culturally and linguistically marginalized communities. Chad, a Deaf and ASL user, is a natural born leader. Not only did Chad start this organization due to his passion for removing unnecessary barriers that many DDBHH individuals experience, but he also pours his heart and soul into this organization. He does this because he loves this community and wants to see every DDBHH generation experience an improved quality of life by increasing access to services.
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Deana Freres
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Deana co-founded the Santiam Canyon Wildfire Relief Fund and advocates at the local, county, state, and federal level for survivors of the wildfire. Deana leads the advisory committee in supporting the canyon with direct to survivor grants and is also on the Long-Term Recovery Group advocating for the rebuild of the canyon and community resiliency. Deana also serves on the local Family Building Blocks board and on the Santiam Hospital and Clinics Foundation board. Deana inspires me daily. She cares for her family, friends, and community whole-heartedly. She amazes those around her with the constant empathy and compassion she shows for our neighbors.
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Edie Frolichman
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Edie is a volunteer with South Salem High School and a retired Federal Probation Officer. Edie became involved with the Red Cart Project at United Way, and it is because of Edie and her passion to support students with period poverty that United Way supported its first Red Cart recipients. Edie has supported Women United through volunteer hours, pajama drives, socks, underwear, formula and diaper donations. Edie has a real passion for the underserved. Period poverty is just one piece. When it comes to helping she always jumps in, purchases items and gives her time. Edie is a great example of a volunteer with a huge heart that largely goes unnoticed.
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Hailey Hulsey
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Hailey is a fierce advocate for at-risk teens and homeless youth, leading the nonprofit HOME Youth Resource Center organization in Salem. She is on a mission to find the homeless youth in Marion County and give them a hand up. She finds them, loves them, helps them see the good and get the resources they need to thrive and feel seen, heard, and safe. She works countless hours to give these kids the best possible chance of a successful future. Youth are often talked over, but with Hailey at the forefront she pushes people to stop and listen. She created Backbone—a youth action board to give youth that are experiencing homelessness a voice and they recently secured a multi-million-dollar grant. I am inspired by knowing there are people like Hailey in this world. Her love is lifesaving and life-changing.
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Holly Perez
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My mom has been a nurse for 15+ years and consistently goes out of her way to help the community in any way she can. She has assisted with homeless shelters around Silverton/Marion County, used her spare time to help neighbors with projects and necessities, and even took in a family of four one Christmas who was in the process of finding their own place. She is constantly inspiring me to be a better person and to lead with kindness and compassion. She is compassionate, kind, caring, so smart, and is always there to lend a helping hand. I am astounded and amazed by the work she has done in our community.
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Jackie Franke
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Jackie is a semi-retired consultant to nonprofit organizations whose passion has always been to help nonprofits in fulfilling their mission. Two of her recent volunteer projects to highlight are her leadership on an effort to deliver nearly 6,000 pies with appreciation notes to every Salem-Keizer School District teacher, janitor, bus driver and office staff, as well as the distribution of elementary school lost and found items to nonprofits. Jackie is creative in finding solutions and new ways to help others. Jackie also gives generously of her time by serving on boards including Chemeketa Community College Board of Education, Oregon School for the Deaf, East Salem Rotary, and Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments, as well as adopting a “Little Library” at a homeless camp that she checks weekly. Jackie always, and I mean always, thinks of others when she does anything. Whether volunteering or going about her daily activities she treats everyone with respect and sincere empathy. She inspires me, our daughters and now five grandsons to be “good” people.
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Juan Navarro
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Juan works at Oregon State University as an academic counselor to low-income students. From being a DACA advocate to campaigning for the Access to Roads Act, to helping with the retention and support of undocumented students through higher education, Juan is constantly working for our community. He is selfless, hard-working and dedicated to making his town a better and more equitable place. He speaks up for those who cannot and inspires me by putting others before himself and doing the long, hard, agonizing work to make his town the town he wants it to be and believes it can be.
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Mike Kaser
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Mike has been volunteering at Hope Station for the past 11 years and has devoted countless hours toward this community resource for the working poor, doing everything from stocking shelves to driving vehicles for supplies and donations. Even with recent health issues, he continues to give around 30 hours per week. Mike is always there going above and beyond with his time and devotion. He exudes the spirit of volunteerism. He gives to make sure our community is fed and cared for. Mike is amazing! He is a beautiful person that thinks only of others. He does everything without the need for recognition. He gives of himself selflessly. He is a remarkable human being and a true blessing to all of us!
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Nancy Lodge
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Nancy brings her tremendous sense of humor, can-do attitude, and networking ability to her volunteer activities in the community. Nancy is a former Independence City councilor and former President of the Independence Downtown Association. Nancy has been a dedicated volunteer for Ash Creek Arts Center, Friends of the Library, Smith Fine Arts Committee, Soroptimists, and the Independence Downtown Association for years. She is a person who has great influence in our small community. She is a founding member of the Ash Creek Arts Center and is the glue that keeps the organization moving forward. Her warm hugs and ability to get things done on behalf of the children of Independence and Monmouth inspires me. She is a faithful volunteer who spends time helping others and enjoys herself and brings up the morale of others while she is doing it.
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Nora Deglow
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Nora is a nurse, stepmom, dog mom and board member for Salem Angels. She has a passion for helping children and families and a natural knack for planning events. Her dedication to Salem Angels is changing the lives of families across the Mid-Willamette Valley. Nora is also a labor and delivery nurse at Salem Health and in 2020 was a finalist for the March of Dimes Oregon Nurse of the Year. The Salem Angels Executive Director shared this about Nora, “she lives out her passions whether in her daily work or with our organization that she volunteers all her time and talent to—Salem Angels is so blessed to have her on our team.” She is a complete inspiration, and our community is blessed to have her!
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Stephanie Wells
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Stephanie is known by quite literally everyone in Woodburn. Stephanie is actively involved in any and ALL things Woodburn and is constantly supporting those around her. She is an active real estate agent and volunteers her time and money to many events in the Woodburn area. She has done anything and everything you can name from making Woodburn a safe place for our homeless population to assisting at building workshops at our local lumber store. Stephanie is an energizer bunny that no one can ever wrap their head around. She inspires me in so many ways—from being a full-time mother, full-time business owner, and full-time neighbor in the community. If everyone had as much care and drive as Stephanie does for Woodburn, the world would be an incredible place.
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Trever Pfiefer
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Trever is an outstanding person in this community. He is kind, caring and stands up for what is right. He leads with integrity and ingenuity. He is an amazing boss, wonderful co-worker, and he goes an extra mile for his family, workers, and friends. He gives back to six nonprofits, allows his employees to be paid to put in volunteer time and just won employer of the year (Pfeifer Roofing). He truly is a great man who wants to see everyone thrive and be the best version of themselves. Seeing Trever’s dedication to the community is contagious.
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Wade Harris
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Wade is President of Seed of Faith Ministries…serving the Salem community for 25+ years. He has created opportunities for the unhoused to be sheltered by opening multiple transitional homes and served as a foster parent for 15 years to 50 boys and adopted two of them. He partners with the City of Salem, NAACP, Hope, Marion Polk Food Share, United Way, Arches, and the list goes on. He is responsible for hiring the unemployed, loving the forgotten and strengthening the distressed. His compassion and love for people is beyond the norm and he extends a rare grace for the community at large.